"Mashup Application and Google API" @ GDD

Last Tuesday, I gave a talk titled "Mashup Application and Google API" for Google Developer Day 2008 in Japan.

* Google provides 60 APIs!
* Translatable presentation with Google AJAX Language API
* Organizing Mashup Award 4th with 100+ APIs in Japan
* Mashup of Google Maps API and Recruit Web Service UI Library
* Growth of Google Maps family (embeddable、static、flash)
* Google Char API (blank map!)
* AJAX Libraries API (cache for Prototype, jQuery, etc.)
* Brand New APIs (real device web services)

My slides using S6 again is below. (written in Japanese)

The conference was completely for developers who love Google. I am not Google's employee, you know, but I have surprised that more than 100 attendees have nevertheless come to my room.

In addition to my talk above, I took the platform of keynote to demonstrate in favor for OpenSocial.
We provides a trial service which uses an OpenSocial's container of Shindig.