[Event] Web 2.0 EXPO Tokyo "JavaScript Labs"

I gave a presentation on Web 2.0 EXPO Tokyo (day 1) with TAKESAKO and amachang. This talk was titled as "JavaScript Labs" and introduced the cutting-edge JavaScript technical topics and what we had interest for now.

(photo taken by TAKESAKO)

At my part of the session, I talked about JavaScript's today and its future. And also I focused into my attending to Facebook and OpenSocial.
I'm wanting to see them. FBJS is early days, and OpenSocial is still version 0.5 and full of uncertainty at this time though.
I showed tiny demo application for OpenSocial:

The room we made a talk was soon fulled with about 100 audiences.

Thank you all very much for attending our session and see you soon again!

(photo also taken by TAKESAKO)

* The original post of this was written in Japanese.

[Event] Sun Tech Days 2007 in Tokyo

I gave a presentation at the last day of the Sun Tech Days 2007 in Tokyo with Tanaka-san who won three prizes on Mash up Award 3rd.

I talked about what Media Technology Labs was challenging for.

* The original post of this was written in Japanese.

[Event] John Resig and The Future of JavaScript

John Resig now comes to Tokyo! Many Japanese JavaScript developers love him and his product of jQuery.js which is the coooolest JavaScript library in the world.

Shibuya.JS had a joined event with Mozilla Japan to talk to him about ECMAScript 4 and the future of JavaScript. He gave us the keynote speech in the event.

Amachang, one of the leading JavaScript engineers in Japan, made some high-level comebacks.

A quorum of Shibuya.JS members introduced some of awesome JavaScript applications developed in Japan.

* The following ustream movies are recorded by Piro.

Part #1 - John's keynote speech

Part #2 - Shibuya.JS's talks and Q&A

We very very enjoyed with John. Thank you and see you again!

We're together closing our eyes. |-)

* The original post of this was written in Japanese.

See also John's post

[Event] Panel discussion about Web2.0's status and its movement

I participated a panel discussion in a seminar event sponsored by METI and some other organizations in Japan. They say October is the month for informatization.

November 1st at Softpia Japan in Ogaki city, Gifu pref.

* METI is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

* The original post of this was written in Japanese.