The iSWF is an appearance simulator for iPhone applications developed by Flash. This helps you to develop iPhone app and take its screen capture on your Mac.
Get iSWF from Google Code: Install iPhone SDKAt first, get and install the iPhone SDK from Apple:"iPhone SDK 3.1.3 with Xcode 3.1.4" for 10.5 (Leopard) users,
"iPhone SDK 3.1.3 with Xcode 3.2.1" for 10.6 (Snow Leopard) users.
After installing it, try to run iPhone Simulator located at:
Important note, as you know, iPhone's Safari could not run Flash.
2. Install AIR 2.0 Beta SDKInstall AIR 2.0 Beta SDK as the next.
Note skip this step when you're already using CS5. "Download for Macintosh (TBZ2, 17.9 MB)".
Unzip air2_b2_sdk_mac_020210.tbz2 and change the folder name as "AIK2.0" and move the folder to "/Applications/Adobe Flash CS4" . Check black "adl" icon at
/Applications/Adobe Flash CS4/AIK2.0/bin
3. Publish .swf Publish your MyApp.swf using your CS4.
Flash Player 10, 320px width, 480px height and any frame rate.
4. Get iSWF packageGet the iSWF package from Google Code: the archive and move its contents to the folder of MyApp.swf. Then double click iSWF.command to run MyApp.swf. You would see the appearance simulator running as the first picture of the post.
Copy each three files of iSWF to any other your .swf project.
5. How it works?The iSWF runs the most recent changed .swf file in the same folder. It's quite simple. See the iSWF.html. The iSWF uses the same appearance of Apple's iPhone Simulator. This means iSWF could not run on Windows which Apple doesn't care for.
6. ActionScript for iPhoneFlash application for iPhone is based on AIR technology. The iSWF, however, runs the app in the localTrusted sandbox. And also multi-touch, GPS, File class and iPhone's native keyboard are not avaible with iSWF. Wait CS5 released for you to start such developments.
AIR 2.0 Document: Player 10.1 ActionScript 3.0 Document: