Tokyo Cloud Developers Meetup on April 9

Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr, Amazon's Senior Manager of Cloud Computing Solutions, will be visiting Tokyo April 9-13 as part of his Asia-tour. Come over on April 9 to hear the latest news on Amazon's plans Web Services at an informal developer meetup. Peter and me are the organizers of the event.


  • Date and Time: April 9, 2009 from 19:30 to 21:00 (doors open 19:00)
  • Location: Amazon Japan K.K. [map]
  • Address: Shibuya Cross Tower, 2-15-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku. Tokyo


Tokyo Cloud
  • Keynote by Jeff Barr, Senior Amazon Evangelist (
  • Lightning talks by AWS experts in Japan (We're looking for speakers!)
  • Q&A / Free discussion
After the meetup, we'll have a nomikai at Tengu in Shibuya. [map]
The cost will be split amongst all participants, probably around 3-4,000 yen per person.

Only 40 seats available so sign up quickly!
Register now by ATND or just send an email for us:
Oh, and please let us know beforehand if you would like to join the nomikai or not.

* Note that this is NOT an official event by Amazon Japan K.K.

The history of JavaScript's 3D tech development

Before most of popular browsers start to support canvas "3d" context, we JavaScript developers have struggled how to implement to enable 3D by JavaScript without any extensions like Java, Flash, etc. Here is a part of the history of JavaScript's 3D tech development.

Animation.Cube - April 2006

Three years ago, I wrote a library named Animation.Cube which slices images into many vertical lines to show rotating cube. I demonstrated this at the first technical talks of Shibuya.js community. The code is on JSAN. See also digg.

Triangles by Border of Div - October 2006

Useless Pickles (Jeff Lau) shows polygons drawn by many triangles made by <div> elements using trick of borders. It means we could develop Virtua Fighter (1) by JavaScript.

3D by Canvas - March 2008

Again, I wrote a new demo using <canvas> element to draw wireframe image and polygons as well. The code was written for another demo to manipulate Wii Remote controllers, I had sessions talked at OSDC.TW 2008 (Taipei), YAPC::Asia 2008 (Tokyo), YAPC::NA 2008 (Chicago), and YAPC::Europe 2008 (Copenhagen) conferences.

3D Renderer with Textures - March 2008

At just about the same time, Jacob Seidelin gave a great demo with texture mapped polygons using <canvas> element.

Triangle Texture Mapping on Wii - April 2008

Daniel Gump released Wii Opera SDK which had triangle texture-mapping feature. It is a SDK for Nintendo Wii's Internet Channel. He said it could show 500 textured triangles per second on Wii.

Motion Blur - May (maybe) 2008

Kaarel Lumi represented a beautiful motion blur using alpha blending tech by fillStyle. Thanks, @moriyoshi.

Projective Texturing - November 2008

Steven Wittens also wrote projective transform renderer. I'm interested in the tech which make an adjustment on size of the image cutted. It makes many cuts for front pieces.

Sphere Environment Mapping - February 2009

Satoshi Ueyama reported that Chrome had extremely fast canvas rendering engine named Skia by demonstrating his demos and benchmarks. He also described in detail how to implement texture mapping by canvas in his post. He also implemented physical computing and sphere environment mapping feature on it. His demos showed us that now we could run JavaScript 3D by real-time / daily-usable performance on Chrome. And I guess rest of popular browsers will soon come to the stage. See also my post.